Some researchers have known for years that ancient petroglyph images are similar throughout the world. More than 100 Years ago, other researchers demonstrated that ancient myths and pagan religions are similar throughout the world. What was not known until near the end of the twentieth century was that scientists could reproduce the petroglyph images in the plasma laboratory.

The laboratory plasma was the type that creates the Earth’s auroras. That suggests that under certain conditions those images drawn in petroglyphs could have appeared in the auroras during ancient times. Numerous areas through the world could have seen similar images in the sky during the same time-frames. Those images combined with actions of comets and meteors could have led to the creation of similar myths. The myths led to pagan religions. No space aliens or supernatural activities were required.


This book describes some of the petroglyphs and their relationship to plasma images found in the laboratory and how some relate to various myths. Included are descriptions of many associated ancient religious beliefs. In addition, there is information about why the significance and importance of the connection of ancient natural events and pagan religions was not widely considered until near the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Information includes why some pagan religions thought that Heaven was close to Earth, the gods lived at the top of an exceptionally high mountain, there was a pathway between Heaven and Earth, there was a trinity of major gods, and the gods had significant events occur on mountain tops. From the data, it seems possible that what pagan religions called creation was a change of state from years of no unusual catastrophic events to a time of major widespread catastrophic events caused by comets and meteorites. That time also had significant plasma activity that caused similar images to appear worldwide that the ancients thought were the gods controlling the events.

Details are also included about numerous initial surprises found by space probes and the prevalent 1950 concepts that led to those surprises. Those concepts also hindered the recognition that there was an association between auroras, petroglyphs, and pagan religions.

Anyone with an interest in myths, ancient religions, petroglyphs, astronomy, geology, or the interdisciplinary synthesis of those subjects would find something of interest in this book.

Order your electronic or paperbackbook now, for a low price: AURORAS, PETROGLYPHS, AND PAGANS by Jeff Ransom

5.0 out of 5 stars  Fascinating Book

on September 5, 2017